The main goal of Energoprojekt Visokogradnja PLC, as a member of Energoprojekt Group, is to become a leading company in the South East Europe in the fields of engineering and building construction.
In achieving this goal, Energoprojekt Visokogradnja PLC is guided by the following principles:

  • Achievement of longterm business success by providing quality contracted services expected by the Employer within the agreed period with optimal consumption of resources and continuous analysis of environmental impact, changes and risks.
  • Maintenance and improvement of the acquired reputation on the market through socially responsible business operations, health and safety and environmental protection with adherence to the principles of sustainable development i.e. achievement of maximum comfort in buildings with optimal consumption of natunal resources.
  • Fulfilment of reasonable expectations of the Employer I Buyer by implementing the latest technical and technological developments, project management methods and intemational standads with minimum environmental impact.
  • and progressive decrease of harmful effect on the environment, with the end goal of their elimination and realization of the interests of the owner / shareholders at the same time.
  • Informing all interested parties on the dedication of Energoprojekt Visokogradnja to protecting the environment with continuous communication with interested parties in order to leam about their opinions and suggestions.
  • Creating a climate for cooperation, trust and belonging to the company among all employees by their inclusion in creation of business processes, taking into account their goals, needs and interests.
  • Raising environmental awareness among employees and suppliers in terms of environmental preservation and care for the future generations.
  • Healthy and safe workplaces gravitating towards zero risk level for employees (through integrated training, health and safety and environmental protection), supplieru (through integrated contracting, health and safety and environmental protection) and guests (through integnated informing of business activities, health and safety and environmental protection) and for all other persons that could influence our activities.
  • Each employee, including suppliers, is responsible for the quality of their work, their safety, safety of their co-workers (including the employees whose work they supervise or direct).
  • In order to preserve the environment, all employees, including suppliers, should conserve natural resources and energy, reduce or eliminate consumption of harmful matter (with its proper storage) and manage waste in a controlled manner (with its proper storage), especially the one that cannot be processed in a way that would not jeopardize the environment lmprovement of the quality of suppliers and establishment of partnerships with them as a permanent orientation of the company.
  • Achievement of socially responsible business operations by formal accession to UN Global Compact initiative.
  • Ensuring constant improvement of the efficiency of quality management system by reviewing IMS Policy by all levels of management with provision of required resources.
  • Preventive action in order to prevent pollution and better the environment i.e. prevent accidents at work and improve health and safety.
  • Permanent commitment to conformity with the requirements of all relevant laws as a minimum, especially in the field of environmental protection and health and safety with whole-hearted cooperation with the persons responsible for adoption and implementation of the said laws.
  • Defining and implementation of the rules that were not provided by the law, with the aim of improvement of IMS.
  • Permanent commitment to improvement and fulfilment of the requirements of standards ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 through IMS.
  • Responsibility for the quality, safety of workers and environmental protection is borne by top management and accepted as an integnal part of business activities good practice of Energoprojekt Visokogradnja PLC, as well as one of its key tasks.